Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dear Parents and Guardian,

“Happy Holidays”/”Bonnes Fêtes!”

“Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee 2019”! Best wishes for 2019!

 Thank you so much for your gifts: your kindness touched my heart and I am grateful for you. I wish you all an enjoyable and restful break with family and friends!

Semester 1 is over! I am very proud of all my students’accomplishments.

Here some insights into the learning throughout the grades:

2nd Grade:

We learned to name all school and recess activities. We can tell which ones we like or don’t like. Unit 3 is among us and we have an encounter with the French family Legrand: we are learning where they live, find the people inside their home and tell where they are. Also, we are still counting and we aim to reach 30 in numbers and in letters. We continue to practice writing the date.

3rd Grade:

We finished Unit 3: La famille Legrand.

We learned about all objects found in Leo’s room, tell about the siblings we have, name the family members that live with us and the pets we have. We are moving forward to Unit 4: En forme?/in shape? We are currently working on learning about the parts of the face and use “I have/ J’ai…”

4th Grade:

After we worked on the days, the months and the seasons, we practiced writing the date. We moved to Unit 3: en ville/in the city. We learned to name all the places and stores we can go to and follow directions to get to a place.

5th Grade:

After we worked on the days, the months and the seasons, we practiced writing the date. We moved to Unit 3: en ville/in the city. We learned to name all the places and stores we can go to and follow directions to get to a place. We can recognize some workers in regard of masculine and feminine nouns and we are starting to use European currency to buy things (say the price right, give change back…). We are still working on our numbers and we aim to reach 100.

I am excited about what is left to do and look forward to see all  my students back in 2019, full of enthusiasm and energy to continue the journey of learning the French language.
A tres bientot!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am delighted to announce that sign-up for our 1st-5th French Club has gone live! Monsieur Gaudin and I met with the club for the first time on Thursday, November 1st, and we will continue to meet on Thursdays through the 9th of May, 2019. 

Again, the club meets in Room 2C on Thursdays from 3:10-4:05

Our club aims enrich the French learning of students with:

  • Games, skits, and short lessons on grammar and technical skills,
  • Cultural experiences and input from Francophone nations around the world,
  • And fun French snacks, songs, and videos which help the language to come alive

In addition, we will be preparing for Fine Arts and French Night, where the club will perform live! To that end, we bring to your attention that club members must attend regularly.

We would love to see your child there, and we encourage you to visit Arete's online club sign-up portal if you would like to join!

Thank you for your support!

Vive le Club Français!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Quarter 1 is over!
Thank you so much for coming to meet with us during conference time.

Here are some insights about the lessons in all grades:

2nd Grade:

We learned and practiced the commands of French class, some action verbs related to school, the days of the week, the colors and extended our counting until 20 with an emphasis on writing all numbers in letters also.  We did associate all numbers with a designated color. So, let’s keep the practice of all numbers at home too!

3rd Grade:

We learned all commands of French class. We reviewed the house rapidly and went directly to Leo’s bedroom and have learned to name all its objects. We drew our siblings and wrote a paragraph to introduce them. We kept counting till 30 and made an effort to write all numbers in letters also. So, let’s consolidate those numbers at home too!

4th – 5th Grade:

We learned all commands of French class. We reviewed the greetings, days of the week, the months of the year (cultural event related to every month) discovered the seasons, their duration and all the weather related to it. We are learning all elements of the date to be able to write the date correctly and determine the day, the month and the season with any given date. We wrote the address of the school in French and made an effort to write personal address in regard of the French language.

5th Grade started learning about the city and all the places we can go to!

Et chez vous! … And at home!

Your child’s notebook is your guide to check the learning happening in every grade. Please partner with me and ask your student to bring their French notebook home to practice and count.

Yes, I encourage all students to review their vocabulary daily, repeat the words 5-10 minutes and listen to the French CD “les Loustics” often. Also,Google/translate can be a big help if you have a doubt on a pronunciation. Have fun with the learning and please reach out if you have any question or concern:

Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It is that time of the year!

2-5 Specials Conferences

This is an opportunity to meet with all Specials in the Archway Music room to discuss your child’s progress over the course of the first quarter. 

Specials conferences are optional. We recommend scheduling a conference only if a parent has particular question, concern, or love for one of our Specials. Conferences will last 15 minutes. Here is the link to reserve your spot:

We are overjoyed at the progress we’ve seen in the first quarter of the year, and are prepared to share our stories, insights, and lessons with you. Thank you so much for helping to make the start of this school year a successful one!

We will see you soon!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

5th graders are finishing the seasons and all the weather related to it. We are moving into the city.

September- October:           

Unité 3: en ville! In the city!

Leçon 1: qu’est-ce qu’il ya dans ta ville?

                What do you see in the city?

-         Nommer des lieux urbains, quelques magasins

Name some urban places, some stores

Leçon 2: où est la boulangerie? Where is the bakery?

-         Suivre ou indiquer un itinéraire

Follow or indicate a route


Leçon 3: où fais-tu tes courses?

               Where do you do your grocery shopping?

-         Nommer d’autres magasins et citer des métiers

Name other stores and name some professions

-         Civic instruction: driver’s manual

Leçon 4: qu’est-ce que c’est?

               How much is that coin? How much is this bill?

-         Savoir utiliser la monnaie européenne / know how to use the European currency

-         La monnaie européenne (l’euro)/the European currency, the euro


Leçon 5 :Ça fait combien? How much is it?

-         Faire des achats dans une épicerie/ buy grocery from a small local shop

Unité 4: Nos amies les bêtes! Our friends, the animals!

Leçon 1: qu’est-ce qu’il y a au zoo? What do you see at the zoo?

-         Nommer les animaux du zoo/name the animals of the zoo

-         Le monde du vivant/ the living world


Leçon 2: Que veut dire “avoir une faim de loup?

                 What do we mean when we say “hungry as a wolf”?

-         Utiliser des expressions idiomatiques animalières avec le verbe avoir / use of animal idiomatic expressions with the verb to have

 Leçon 3: Comment est ta tortue? How is your turtle?

-         Décrire une tortue/describe a turtle

-         Le monde du vivant, la tortue/the living world, the turtle


Leçon 4: Tu connais les animaux de cette ferme?

                Do you know the animals of this farm?

-         Nommer les animaux de la ferme/name the animals of the farm

-         Le monde du vivant: les animaux de la ferme et leurs produits/

-         the living word/ the animals of the farm and their products

Leçon 5: Malin comme quoi? Malignant like what?

-         Utiliser des expressions idiomatiques animalières avec le verbe être/ use of animal idiomatic expressions with the verb to be


Unite 5: Temps libre/free time

Leçon 1: Que sont-ils en train de faire? What are they doing?

-         Dire ce que l’on est en train de faire/say what we are doing

-         Exprimer la cause/ to express the cause

-         Instruction civique: participer aux taches quotidiennes/

Civic education: participate in daily tasks/

Walk the dog- promener le chien

Leçon 2: Vous faites de la musique?

               Do you play any musical instrument?

-         Dire si l’on joue d’un instrument de musique et duquel/tell and share if one plays a musical instrument and which one


Leçon 3: Vous faites du sport? Do you play sports?

-         Dire si l’on fait du sport et lequel/

                Tell and share if one does sport and which one

-         Les pratiques artistiques/artistic practices

Participer à une pièce de théâtre/participate in a play

Leçon 4: Qu’est-ce que vous allez faire ce week-end?

               What are you going to do this week-end?

-         Nommer quelques activités/name some activities

-         Le monde du vivant: faire du sport pour être en bonne santé/

The living world: play sports to maintain a good health


Leçon 5: de quoi as-tu besoin? What do you need?

-         Dire de quoi on a besoin pour faire une activité/

Say what one needs to do an activity

-         L’espace et le temps: le week-end/space and time: the week-end

-         Unité 6: Bientôt les vacances!

                It is almost vacation time (summer break)!

Leçon 1: de quoi avez-vous peur? What are you afraid of?

-         Parler de ses peurs/talk about fears

Happy learning! 

Curriculum overview

4th Grade

4th graders are finishing the seasons and all the weather related to it. We are moving into the city.

September- October:           

Unité 3: en ville! In the city!

Leçon 1: qu’est-ce qu’il ya dans ta ville?

                What do you see in the city?

-         Nommer des lieux urbains, quelques magasins

Name some urban places, some stores

Leçon 2: où est la boulangerie? Where is the bakery?

-         Suivre ou indiquer un itinéraire

Follow or indicate a route


Leçon 3: où fais-tu tes courses?

               Where do you do your grocery shopping?

-         Nommer d’autres magasins et citer des métiers

Name other stores and name some professions

-         Civic instruction: driver’s manual

Leçon 4: qu’est-ce que c’est?

               How much is that coin? How much is this bill?

-         Savoir utiliser la monnaie européenne / know how to use the European currency

-         La monnaie européenne (l’euro)/the European currency, the euro


Leçon 5 :Ça fait combien? How much is it?

-         Faire des achats dans une épicerie/ buy grocery from a small local shop

Unité 4: Nos amies les bêtes! Our friends, the animals!

Leçon 1: qu’est-ce qu’il y a au zoo? What do you see at the zoo?

-         Nommer les animaux du zoo/name the animals of the zoo

-         Le monde du vivant/ the living world


Leçon 2: Que veut dire “avoir une faim de loup?

                 What do we mean when we say “hungry as a wolf”?

-         Utiliser des expressions idiomatiques animalières avec le verbe avoir / use of animal idiomatic expressions with the verb to have

 Leçon 3: Comment est ta tortue? How is your turtle?

-         Décrire une tortue/describe a turtle

-         Le monde du vivant, la tortue/the living world, the turtle


Leçon 4: Tu connais les animaux de cette ferme?

                Do you know the animals of this farm?

-         Nommer les animaux de la ferme/name the animals of the farm

-         Le monde du vivant: les animaux de la ferme et leurs produits/

-         the living word/ the animals of the farm and their products

Leçon 5: Malin comme quoi? Malignant like what?

-         Utiliser des expressions idiomatiques animalières avec le verbe être/ use of animal idiomatic expressions with the verb to be


Unite 5: Temps libre/free time

Leçon 1: Que sont-ils en train de faire? What are they doing?

-         Dire ce que l’on est en train de faire/say what we are doing

-         Exprimer la cause/ to express the cause

-         Instruction civique: participer aux taches quotidiennes/

Civic education: participate in daily tasks/

Walk the dog- promener le chien

Leçon 2: Vous faites de la musique?

               Do you play any musical instrument?

-         Dire si l’on joue d’un instrument de musique et duquel/tell and share if one plays a musical instrument and which one


Leçon 3: Vous faites du sport? Do you play sports?

-         Dire si l’on fait du sport et lequel/

                Tell and share if one does sport and which one

-         Les pratiques artistiques/artistic practices

Participer à une pièce de théâtre/participate in a play

Leçon 4: Qu’est-ce que vous allez faire ce week-end?

               What are you going to do this week-end?

-         Nommer quelques activités/name some activities

-         Le monde du vivant: faire du sport pour être en bonne santé/

The living world: play sports to maintain a good health


Leçon 5: de quoi as-tu besoin? What do you need?

-         Dire de quoi on a besoin pour faire une activité/

Say what one needs to do an activity

-         L’espace et le temps: le week-end/space and time: the week-end

-         Unité 6: Bientôt les vacances!

                It is almost vacation time (summer break)!

Leçon 1: de quoi avez-vous peur? What are you afraid of?

-         Parler de ses peurs/talk about fears

Curriculum overview

3rd Grade

3rd graders finished working on the objects found in the room. Our next lesson is about our siblings.                                                 
 September- October: Unit 3: La famille Legrand

Leçon 3: Tu as des frères et des soeurs?
     - Dire s’il a des frères et des soeurs - How to say if one has brothers and sisters

Leçon 4: Tu habites avec qui ? Who lives with you?
     - Présenter sa famille proche - How to present one's close family members

     - The ages of life, genealogical trees


Leçon 5: Tu as des animaux ? Do you have pets?
     - Nommer ses animaux domestiques - Naming the domestic animals
     - The positions (between- entre, in front- devant, behind- derrière)

Unité 4: En forme? Are you in good shape?

Leçon 1: Comment est ton visage?

-         Nommer les parties du visage – Name parts of the face

-         Le monde du vivant- the living world


Leçon 2: tu peux te décrire?

-         Identifier des accessoires, des signes particuliers – Name different accessories and particular signs

Leçon 3: Tu te sens comment aujourd’hui?

-         Exprimer ses émotions – express feelings


Leçon 4: tu bouges?

-         Nommer les parties du corps- Name body parts

-         PE/sports/mouvements

Leçon 5:  Tu as mal où?

-         Dire où il a mal – tell where you feel the pain

-         Le corps- the body


Unité 5: Bon appétit! Enjoy your meal!

Leçon 1: tu as tout pour pique-niquer?

-         Nommer les differents ustensiles de cuisine et quelques aliments – Name different kitchen utensils and some food

-         Civic education:  contribution to daily tasks as to put the table

Leçon 2: Tu aimes les fruits?

-         Nommer quelques fruits- Name some fruits

-         Civic education: living in society: play together


Leçon 3: tu as soif? Qu’est-ce que tu veux boire?

-         Nommer quelques boissons, dire s’il a soif – Name some drinks and tell if he/she is thirsty

-         L’alimentation – food

Leçon 4: tu as faim? Qu’est-ce que tu veux manger?

-         Nommer quelques aliments et dire s’il a faim - Name some food and tell if he/she is hungry

-         L’alimentation – food


Leçon 5: tu préféres le salé ou le sucré?

-         Emettre un gout, une opinion, une preference – Express a taste, an opinion, a preference

-         L’alimentation -  food

Unité 6: Bientôt les vacances! It is almost vacation time!

Leçon 1: Qu’est-ce que tu fais?

-         Nommer les actions liées à l’habillement – Name actions related to clothing


Leçon 2:  Quel temps fait-il?

-         Exprimer le temps qu’il fait – Tell about the weather

Leçon 3: Qu’est-ce qu’elle fait?

-         Nommer des vêtements quotidiens – Name your regular clothing
Happy Learning!

Curriculum overview

2nd Grade

Unité 2: Vive l'école! Long live the school!

Leçon 3: Nous sommes quel jour aujourd'hui ?
     - Compter de treize à vingt- Counting from 13 to 20   

     - Citer les jours de la semaine - Reciting the days of the week
     - Figures and numbers
     - Weather and space (above, below/ en haut, en bas)

2nd graders are still working on the days of the week and writing the numbers till 20 in letters also.


Leçon 4: Tu aimes aller à l'école ? Do you like to go to school?
     - Exprimer ses goûts parmi les activités en classe –

        How to express likes and dislikes in class activities

Leçon 5: Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire pendant la récréation ?

                 What do you like to do at recess?
     - Dire ses activités préférées pendant la recreation - How to say          one’s preferred leisure activities during recess

November: Unit 3: La famille Legrand

Leçon 1: Tu habites où ?
     - Dire où il habite - How to say where we live -
     - Les paysages - Weather and place (countries)
Leçon 2: Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ta chambre ?
     - Nommer les objets de sa chamber - How to name the objects found in the bedroom


Leçon 3: Tu as des frères et des soeurs?
     - Dire s’il a des frères et des soeurs - How to say if one has brothers and sisters

Leçon 4: Tu habites avec qui ? Who lives with you?
     - Présenter sa famille proche - How to present one's close family members

     - The ages of life, genealogical trees


Leçon 5: Tu as des animaux ? Do you have pets?
     - Nommer ses animaux domestiques - Naming the domestic animals
     - The positions (between- entre, in front- devant, behind- derrière)


Unité 4: En forme? Are you in good shape?

Leçon 1: Comment est ton visage?

-         Nommer les parties du visage – Name parts of the face

-         Le monde du vivant- the living world

Leçon 2: tu peux te décrire?

-         Identifier des accessoires, des signes particuliers – Name different accessories and particular signs


Leçon 3: Tu te sens comment aujourd’hui?

-         Exprimer ses émotions – express feelings

Leçon 4: tu bouges?

-         Nommer les parties du corps- Name body parts

-         PE/sports/mouvements


Leçon 5:  Tu as mal où?

-         Dire où il a mal – tell where you feel the pain

-         Le corps- the body

Unité 5: Bon appétit! Enjoy your meal!

Leçon 1: tu as tout pour pique-niquer?

-         Nommer les differents ustensiles de cuisine et quelques aliments – Name different kitchen utensils and some food

-         Civic education:  contribution to daily tasks as to put the table


Leçon 2: Tu aimes les fruits?

-         Nommer quelques fruits- Name some fruits

-         Civic education: living in society: play together

Leçon 3: tu as soif? Qu’est-ce que tu veux boire?

-         Nommer quelques boissons, dire s’il a soif – Name some drinks and tell if he/she is thirsty

-         L’alimentation – food
Enjoy the learning!