Saturday, February 23, 2019

Save the Date

Please join us this coming April for 
        Fine Arts and French Night

We will be featuring lovely presentations by the Art classes, live poetry courtesy of the French club, and videotaped music performances by all our French classes. 

     The date to save is April 10, 2019

We will send out more information after the break, as the time approaches.

           We hope to see you there!

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

 Here some insights of the learning happening in French class.

2nd Grade:

 We learned about all objects found in Leo’s room. We use a preposition to tell where you can locate a specific object. We are moving forward to talk about siblings in the family.

3rd Grade:

We finished learning about the body parts and physical appearances with an eye on hair color and accessories. We are currently working on expressing emotions.

4th Grade:

We are still in the city and we checked all places and stores. We are learning about buying, paying and giving back change using the European currency.

5th Grade:

We are officially in Unit 4 and we are learning about animals, starting with zoo animals. We are also using French sign language to represent those animals. 

Be ready! Next, we are going to use French animal idioms for specific situations.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Day for Friendship Un jour pour l'AmitiĆ©! Thursday, February 14th is Great Hearts Day! We have reserved this special day to focus on the virtue of friendship and celebrate the traits that make a great-hearted student. Teachers are planning interactive and fun activities centered around these topics, and time will be set aside for students to create hand-made Great Hearts Day cards for their classmates.  Archway Arete strives to cultivate a rich, academic environment rooted in the classical tradition. This many times requires popular culture to be left at the door. On that note, students will not be permitted to bring store-bought valentines, candy, or gifts to school. Thank you for partnering with us.